Friday 18 March 2016

"THE SUCCESS THEORY" By Rekshavan Mani Maran

“Success in life comes when you simply refuse to give up, with goals so strong that obstacles, failure, and loss only act as motivation “

   Success. Just the sound of the word makes you want to say it twice. Well, maybe it’s because we all want success that badly in our lives. Success from the start of our human evolution all the way through centuries and centuries of development and modernization has come in many different forms and magnitude. Ask a student and he would say success is topping his class with flying colours. Ask a hiker and he’d probably say conquering Mount Everest is success to him. Success may be small or big but the outcome, the joy it brings is indescribable. Why is that so? Why is success so significant to our sentience? It’s because success isn’t achieved overnight. It is a planned, organized effort that is put into months, years or even decades of hard work to achieve our ultimate dreams and goals. It’s the product of what you’re capable of, your significant contribution to the society or even a chance to prove your worth to the people around.
     Success has without doubt become the ultimatum in our lives but unfortunately with every passing generation, a cage, a wall in fact has been built around it. People nowadays no more want to push the boundaries of success but instead want the mainstream which they feel is enough. A simple example would be teenagers of the present era. Teens nowadays limit themselves of their capability, altogether minimizing their scope of success. With advancements in the ever rapid-growing social standards and lifestyle, teenagers only care more of what society perceives of success instead of creating one for themselves. Teenagers often confine success in terms of the grades they should be scoring, whether their clothing impresses everyone and of course, how much fame they get from their peers. This carries on to tertiary education level where this teenagers end up once again in the mainstream package. They care less on pushing the boundaries of their talents and perceive success as getting a degree, finding a job and settling down. This is indeed saddening as along the way, we realize how many talents are wasted. Talents that could’ve led to many more success stories. I’m sure we ourselves have gone through or are going through this. We feel as though we can achieve more but are afraid to step out of the border in fear of losing what people want for us. How many of us have given up on our passion or our dreams just because it seem too far-fetched?
  I believe that true success is when someone is willing to go beyond his or her limits in order to achieve a certain goal. It is when a person works their way through blood, sweat and tears and along the way bringing along people to achieve their own goals. When a person wants success so badly, the should be willing to dedicate time, prioritize their activities even if it means missing out on a few occasions and above all, stay motivated despite all the hardship life throws at them. It is without doubt that success should be defined by an individual in their own perception and not entirely what others want to see. It should be a target, a mission an individual is willing to give their all, in order for their own satisfaction and happiness. Everyone deserves a chance to not only explore themselves but to venture into the unknown. We need to start breaking the walls around us and be brave to garner new knowledge and talents, to use all this skills to good use in helping others and to contribute to the society. Only then I believe is success truly achieved.
  Leaving aside the perception of success nowadays, one bags the question. How is success truly achieved? While there isn’t a definitive answer, I believe the road to success begins with love. As much as love seems like a cliché’ answer, it is love in the form of passion that drives us forward. The love to continuously strive for improvement and enhancement. A simple example would be an athlete. An athletes has to continuously put in hours and hours of work on and off the track despite various setbacks such as injuries. His love for the sport gives him the desire to achieve more success and work for it. It is love that gives us the driving force to propel forward, to be able to withstand any pain and still keep our heads held high despite countless failure. Asides love, exploration is important for one to achieve success. It doesn’t matter if you’re going read a new book, meet new people during a party or even try a new musical instrument As long as you’re trying something new and beneficial, you’re exploring and even better, learning. A successful person never limits themselves from learning above all, they always find a way to apply the skills obtained into work. Another important aspect to being successful would be determination. You may have passion, you may want to continuously broaden your talents but there will always be times where your will power is tested. Tested so much that you being to wonder if you really can achieve your goals to become successful. That when you’ll need determination. The belief, the trust that you can do it. That you are capable of overcoming any obstacle to get to the top of the mountain. Determination is what every individual needs, a pushing factor to become successful. There are more aspects to obtaining success in life but love, exploration and determination will surely if not entirely, aid you towards it.
  The denouement of this article is simple. Success is a journey. A journey you craft as an individual whether since young or even in your late 60’s. It is a journey filled with many ups and downs that we as humans must uptake. Never confine your capabilities. Be ferocious at heart, to always want to feel and learn more but always be subtle in mind, to carefully plan and organize your pathway in realizing your goals. Every individual has a success story they are bound to craft one day. The question is, how are you going to craft that story?



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